When healthcare professionals encourage their patients to get moving by prescribing physical activity, it helps open the door to effective and preventative measures that can dramatically reduce healthcare costs and improve numerous long-term health outcomes. Prescription to Get Active (RxTGA) was created to build an alliance with healthcare professionals to help support conversations between prescribers and their patients about getting more active. Research supports that patients who receive a direct recommendation to increase physical activity from a trusted healthcare provider are more likely to be motivated to change their lifestyle and behaviour and live healthier, more active lives.

Physical activity is the top form of preventative healthcare and too many Canadians are not moving enough. A prescription from a trusted healthcare professional has proven to be an effective way to help get them started. This prescription:
- Takes seconds to administer
- Allows you to help your patients improve their quality of life through the prevention of chronic conditions
- Provides support and a range of activity options for your patients depending on their lifestyle and physical abilities

The Prescription to Get Active program enables healthcare professionals to empower patients to be more physically active, to improve their health, to prevent and manage many chronic conditions. Below is a guide to the healthcare providers eligible to prescribe or refer patients to the program.
- Medical Doctors
- Nurse Practitioners
- Social Workers
- Registered Nurses(RNs)
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Pharmacists
- Registered Dietitians
- Kinesiologists*
- Recreational Therapists*
- Psychologists *
* A dedicated practice relationship refers to a formal, collaborative working arrangement where healthcare professionals operate within their regulated scope of practice under the guidance, supervision, or partnership of a primary prescriber (e.g., physician or nurse practitioner). A dedicated practice relationship is identified by one or more of the following markers: shared care of the patient through shared medical records; share care of the patient by communication between the prescriber and the physician; or physician program oversight and accountability for patient care provided by the allied health professionals. This ensures integrated, patient-centered care through shared responsibility and communication.
Contact us for more information on our Prescriber Policy.
By fostering collaboration among these healthcare professionals, the RxTGA program promotes healthier, more active lifestyles for patients. If you are a healthcare provider and wish to join our network, please complete the Healthcare Membership Application form. There is no cost to becoming a member. If you would like to learn more about the program or your eligibility to become a prescriber/referrer, please contact Executive Director at alberta@prescriptiontogetactive.com or call 1-866-212-7552.

Health teams, clinics and independent healthcare professionals can become prescribers. To become a prescriber/referrer:
- Review the Who Can Prescribe or Refer a Prescription to Get Active (RxTGA), section above.
- Complete the Healthcare Membership Application form.
- Contact Executive Director at alberta@prescriptiontogetactive.com or call 1-866-212-7552 if you have questions about the program or your eligibility to become a prescriber/referrer.
All active, Prescription to Get Active-approved, healthcare clinics can be searched in the map below. Check to see if your clinic is already prescribing.
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Not all healthcare providers know about Prescription to Get Active. If your healthcare provider is not listed, please contact us.
Use the 'Search Cities' drop down to filter by region. Then, click on a clinic to the right to highlight that clinic on the map. You may also type the name of a clinic in 'Search Service Locations' to see if a clinic near you is a participant.
Click on a clinic to the right to center the map on that clinic. Use the 'City' dropdown to filter clinics by region.
The site uses your location to find healthcare resources near you. If the page does not show results within 30 seconds, please change your search criteria by using the "Search Cities" command or enter a clinic name to search. Distance-based search without entering a filter region name will search the area around the map center.
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