Looking to fill your prescription at a recreation facility?
If you have received a Prescription to Get Active, you may take it to any of our participating locations to get limited free access, as well as a tour of the facility and services.
Search the map below to find participating facilities near you.
Contact the facility you wish to take your prescription to and request an appointment to arrange a facility tour and get set up for the FREE trial.
When you arrive for your appointment, present your prescription, written by your health care professional, or a copy of the welcome email you received upon registration, to front desk staff.
Each prescription can be used once within 12 consecutive months for a free trial at the same organization’s service location/facility.
Please note, after you hand over your prescription to a facility, you can still access other FREE trials and offerings through Prescription to Get Active by using the SIGN IN button above.

* Please see More Filters for detailed search
* This organization indicates that they comply with provincial public health actions to promote the health and safety of participants with respect to COVID-19. Please confirm with the facility before your visit.
TIP: When you pick a place for your trial, make sure to bring proof of your RxTGA prescription to show at the front desk.
You can use one of these as proof:
The RxTGA paper prescription your healthcare professional gave you during an in-person visit.
A copy of the Welcome email you got after registering your RxTGA prescription (needed if your healthcare professional gave you the prescription over the phone or online).
The site uses your location to find facilities near you. If the page does not show results within 30 seconds, please change your search criteria by using the "Search Cities" command or enter a facility name to search. Distance-based search without entering a filter region name will search the area around the map center.